IntelliLogger Software and Firmware Upgrades

IntelliLogger and IntelliLogger Mini Firmware and HyperWare-II Software Update Procedure

1) Check HyperWare and firmware compatibility

To insure compatibility between releases of HyperWare-II and the firmware running in the IntelliLogger, the version numbers of HyperWare-II and the IntelliLogger firmware  must match as described per the following.

HyperWare-II Version

To check the current Version Number of your currently installed HyperWare-II, select the Help/About menu choice from the opening Communications Window.

IntelliLogger Firmware Version

To check the current firmware version installed in the IntelliLogger, view the current version via the top line of the LCD on the IntelliLogger or use a Statusinquiry via a PC connected to the IntelliLogger via browser or  HyperWare-II.

Version compatibility is dictated by the second number set within the version number.  To be compatible, these numbers must be the same.  For example if the IntelliLogger has version and the HyperWare-II is version, then the HyperWare-II and Firmware are compatible as both have the number 3 as the second number set.

2) Download and Install IntelliLogger Firmware

Following is a listing of available downloads. The currently installed firmware version is viewed via the top line of the IntelliLogger LCD or use a Status inquiry via a PC connected to the IntelliLogger via browser or HyperWare-II.

IntelliLogger Firmware Update Procedure

Step 1: Download and unzip the desired firmware version (below) into a temporary directory. You will have a file named IL_Reflash_Ver_x_x_x_x.bin, the x’s indicate the most recently released version.

Step 2: Start HyperWare-II and connect to the IntelliLogger you wish to reflash.

Step 3: In the Menu, Select Logger, Reflash Firmware and point to the .bin file you have just downloaded.  Continue for 4-5 minutes to complete the update.  A dialog box will open indicating reflash progress and when completed the message “Reflash Complete” is displayed.

IntelliLogger Firmware Downloads:

Click on the link or right-click and select Save Target As… to download the update.

Version (Released 4-5-17)  –  [Release Notes]     Note: Upgrade to Build 2059 or later of Hyperware when using this.
Version (Released 10-2-18)  –  [Release Notes]    Note: Upgrade to Build 2059 or later of Hyperware when using this.
Version (Released 5-3-19)  –  [Release Notes]    Note: Upgrade to Build 2067 or later of Hyperware when using this.

IntelliLogger IL-Mini Firmware Downloads:

Click on the link or right-click and select Save Target As… to download the update

Version (Released 4-5-17)     Note: Upgrade to Build 2064 of Hyperware when using this.
Version (Released 5-3-19)     Note: Upgrade to Build 2066 of Hyperware when using this.

 3) Download and Install HyperWare-II update

Following is a listing of available downloads of the HyperWare-II software.

Prior versions of HyperWare-II versions are presented by “Build Number”. The “Build Number” identifies a set of files (any number of which may have been updated) that make up a complete release of HyperWare-II. To check the Build Number of your currently installed HyperWare-II, select the Help/About menu choice from the opening Communications Window.

We have dropped the “Build” annotation for more current versions and simply have a Version Number specified.  This is noted below in the list of HyperWare-II version releases.

Hyperware-II Update Procedure:

Step 1: Download the HyperWare Build (or Version) file and save it in a temporary directory.

Step 2: Unzip* the *.MSI file to a temporary directory.

Step 3: Close HyperWare-II and all other programs. From within the temporary directory run the *.MSI and install the program in the same directory as the original installation. This will keep all current settings available in the newly installed program. This completes the software update.

HyperWare-II Builds Available for Download:
Archived HyperWare-II Versions for users desiring legacy cross-platform consistency.

BUILD 2064 (RELEASED 4-5-17)     [Release Notes]
BUILD 2066 (RELEASED 7-29-19)     [Release Notes]
BUILD 2067 (RELEASED 8-15-19)     [Release Notes]

Current HyperWare-II Versions (Note that the  “Build” annotation was dropped in 2021):

HyperWare-II Ver (2-02-2021)                 [Release Notes]

HyperWare II Ver (4-12-2021)                [Release Notes]

Miscellaneous Support Files

The following files are for use under special installations and/or for use with the direction of Logic Beach Technical Support staff.

USB drivers

The following USB drivers are provided for use only in manually updating an older version of HyperWare-II.  For most installations, it is recommended to simply download the latest Build of HyperWare-II from above (which includes the Win8 and Win10 USB drivers)  and install over the current installation.  This will update all components of HyperWare-II.

IL USB Drivers for Windows 8, 10 and 11

DLL Files

The following DLL files are to be used on special installations under the direction of Logic Beach Technical Support staff.


IntelliLogger Channel Expansion Modules Firmware

The following “Reflash” files are for use in updating the microcontroller code executing in the specified Expansion Module.  Modules can be updated using HyperWare-II software while connected to the IntelliLogger system via USB or Ethernet/Cellular.

Reflash of a module is performed from the HyperWare Communication window.  Double-click on the graphic image of the module to be flashed.  The ensuing dialog will display the current firmware version and provide a “Reflash” button to initiate the operation.  Before reflashing, download the appropriate file below, unzip and save to disk.  This file is then used in the Reflash sequence that is initiated with the Reflash button.

ILIM-2 Digital Expansion Module Firmware:

ILIM 2 2 0 2

ILIM-7 Analog Expansion Module Firmware:

ILIM 7 1 6 4