IntelliLogger™ Expansion Module Mounting bracket

Expansion module attached to IntelliLogger base with angle attachment bracket

The IntelliLogger Expansion Module mounting bracket is used to attach ILIM-x  Expansion modules to the back of an IL-20, 80 or 90.  Additionally, the bracket can be used to stack ILIM-x Expansion modules together.

Expansion Module Attachment Bracket Key Features
For attaching Expansion modules to an IntelliLogger base
For stacking IntelliLogger Expansion modules

Product Images

Expansion module mounting bracket

Expansion module mounting bracket

IL-80 shown with two expansion modules attached

IL-80 shown with two expansion modules attached


IntelliLogger Expansion Module Attachment Bracket
Product Name: IntelliLogger Expansion Module Attachment Bracket
Order Part Number: 3539.30000
Price: $14
Items included with order:
Product Name:  Part Number: Qty:
Module Mounting Bracket; for attachment of an additional ILIM-x module to the back of an IntelliLogger 3539.30000  1
Machine screws (4-40 x 0.25″ Pan Head, Phillips) 3509.03002 2
Machine screws (4-40 x 0.25″ Pan Head, Phillips) 3509.03003 2
Items commonly purchased with this product:
Product Name: Order Part Number: Price:

Contact Logic Beach directly to purchase this product.

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